A Pro-Impeachment Constitution

Dear Legislative Branch,

In regards to ingnoring my reuqest for your support of Bush's impeachment: While I respect your focus on the real and immediate problems faced by the American people, not wanting to divert energy away from accomplishing those pressing, so important issues; I have a difficult time reconciling the number of real and immediate Constitutional violations which have been conducted at the hands of this president, which have ramifications far beyond the immediate needs of which you speak.

I do hope that you will reconsider joining Congressman Kucinich in implementing a tool which the Constitution explicitly outlines six times to rectify such crimes and abuses of power in maintaining the integrity and protection of our Constitution. In light of the Constitutional, Justice and Human Rights violations that have essentially broken our Democracy, the only logical option, the tool mentioned six times in responding to immediate and long-ranging effects--is impeachment.

I respectfully present my solid argument in favor of this action. My understanding is that any representative in Congress takes a fairly singular vow : "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.".

The Constitution appears to take primacy over all else and we can agree, with fair certainty, that we are in a Constitutional crisis, given the abuses of Executive power we've seen. And beyond these crimes, that the enemy continues to violate without impunity, with no hearings and no consequences. How would that work if we applied your line of thought to every individual criminal in America. We know with firm evidence that in violation of the 4th Amendment that Bush has spied on Americans since before 9/11; in violation of the 1st, rendered even peaceable assembly to be infiltrated as if it were criminal; violation of the 6th with Americans being rendered to black sites to be held without trial; continued in this wordsmithing of "torture" as if it were "enhanced," and within the last week attempted to retroactively cover up crimes of both the president and his accomplices, the telecom companies, in spying on Americans. As this last battle continues into the Senate, I'm unimpressed with the Houses Constitutional trampling "yes" vote this last week.

With all due respect, Constitutional violations, excluding any political reprisal for the Clinton impeachment, seem very real, immediate and long-lasting in their effects into the future of our Executive Branch if not pursued at the root. Tend to and reinforce the integrity of the root of the tree first, then the Branches must right themselves. The root and heart of America is its Constitution, so any peripheral actions continue to leave it vulnerable to an Executive Branch that is diseased and continues to be actively hostile in it's assault on our roots.

I have a long history of confidence in you as my representative and many of those who represent the American people. I am convinced that Democrats and Republicans have the competency to protect our Constitution through impeachment, while simultaneously taking care of the immediate legislative needs of the people...without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion. You are weighing "what is practical and useful [not] against what[you] think this Administration deserves, but against the vow you took under oath, and in turn, our Constitution. I do hope you find yourself on the correct side of that weighing.

Deepest Respect,

Son of Chaos

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