Sign the Million for Marriage Petition!

Right-wing extremists are at it again, even after the California Supreme Court determined that denying same-sex couples the right to mary is unconstitutional. These insane efforts are underway not only to enact a ban in California, but push a Constitutional ban at the Federal level. Whether it's concerning marriage, religion or any personal freedom, do we really want the Constitution define boundaries around any particular freedom and legislate discrimination within that freedom? You're able to practice whatever religion, as long as the service is with a priest and a congregation. THAT'S INSANE, RIGHT? The Constitution is there to protect our freedoms, not limit them. I believe that for California and Americans at large, the questions have to be asked: What damage does a same-sex couple getting married do to you? What are the social and economic benefits of having same-sex marriage in America? What are the impacts on gay youth and any youth with gay parents?

I just joined thousands of pro-LBGT Americans in showing my support for marriage equality for all. We are at a turning point in our nation's history and I'm hoping you'll join me in standing up against discrimination. Please sign the Million for Marriage petition and get us one name closer to showing that Americans overwhelmingly support marriage equality!  As always, pass this along to at least ten of your friends and family.


I think that Wanda Sykes, a top notch comedian does it best in pointing out the ridiculousness of the argument against gay marriage. She's a bit of a potty mouth, but enjoy her "bit" after this message!

Every committed couple deserves to enjoy the privileges and responsibilities conferred by marriage. Add your name to the petition and be a part of the movement to fight for marriage equality for all.

Thank you!


Brave Nation Heroes

This email came from the progressive news magazine, The Nation, today regarding young people who have opened their eyes to the devastating things happening to our country, but have not allowed it to paralyze them. I hope you enjoy reading about the incredibly impressive, helpful and consious ways in which these young people are pushing back against the neo-con/neo-liberal movement. My intention is that you will nurture that spirit in the young people we have the privilege to mentor.

Meet Ashley Casale, a young woman who organized a peace march that started in May 2007 in San Francisco and ended four months later in Washington DC raising awareness and inspiring support coast to coast.

Or Chad Knutsen, a student who when the military recruiters came to his high school last year, stood beside them in the hall handing out information on what awaited them in Iraq to counter-balance the propaganda the recruiters were laying on his peers.

Or Whitney Prose, the founder and driver of Plan-It Earth: a student led movement to clean up the environment. She's introduced recycling and all manner of sustainabilty practices to her Otterbein College campus and the broader City of Westerville, Minnesota.

Ashley, Chad and Whitney are just three of the young people recently nominated for The Brave Nation Hero Award. This Brave Nation is a new video collaboration between The Nation and Brave New Films featuring produced conversations between historic figures discussing the issues and movements that have inspired and informed their work. Click here and watch the trailer to learn more about the project.

The project's public debut is this Sunday, June 1, with the release of a conversation between Van Jones and Carl Pope, after which a new video will be released each Sunday for four straight weeks leading up to a live event in Los Angeles on July 13.

Now we're hoping to identify as many deserving activists as possible for nominations for the Brave Nation Award, designed to celebrate the next generation of progressive activists. Submit your stories via videos, photo, essay, photo-essay, painting...whatever conveys the life changing work being done in your community. Include a link to your video, photo, etc. in the submission form here. The nominee needs to be thirty years old or younger. The deadline is June 22. Finally, please visit The Nation online to read new Nation blogs, to view newsfeed links updated each day, to see when Nation writers are appearing on TV and radio, and to read exclusive online reports and special weekly selections from The Nation magazine!

Best Regards,
Peter Rothberg,
The Nation


McCain QUOTE: Athwart Popular Opinion

Senator John McCain, as quoted in todays NYT article at a Vetran's Day gathering on standing firm in his support of the Iraq War... “Even,” he said, “if I must stand athwart popular opinion.” Can we drop the "war" bit now? Let's just call it what it is! An OCCUPATION! Wouldn't that just be a grandiose exercise in stupidity, vote a guy into office who plans to go against the will of the American people. What a Maverick! Breaking away from Bush like that!

Propaganda Analysts & Nazi America

From my friends at FreePress comes the latest push to get big media to addres it's little "consulting" problem. This is the ad that showed up in Friday's The Hill DC paper. How can there be any kind of informed public when the information is propaganda pushed by our own government? What will become of our government if there is no transparency? And even more, no accountability? Read about other democracies who have gone down this road and see where it leads!


O'Reilly Throws a Hissy!

Just when you thought this "news anchor" (in the most loose terminology known to man) could not show himself to be more of an A-hole, he shows us from whence he has evolved. This is from his early days with Inside Edition.

McCain's YouTube Nightmare!

Robert Greenwald and my friends at Brave New Films have put together yet another expose on the ongoing contradiction plagued dialogue engaged by Senator McCain on the "facts" surrounding his stance on the safety of Iraq, gay marriage, his ability to understand US economics.  This guy is just all over the place, with no signs of slowing down... But, let John McCain be his own proof...  


McCain, Religion, Theocratic Policy & 100 Years of War

Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me." Matthew 4:8, 9

Not John McCain? Endorsing someone, Pastor Rod Parsley, he calls a "spiritual guide," who says of Islam that, "America was founded... with the intention of seeing this false religion destroyed." Also that Mohamud received revelations from "demon spirits." He continues that this understanding must be realized in order for America to fulfill its "divine purpose." Wh-wh-what? This man totalizes the identity of Muslim people--as a whole--as an "anti-Christ religion that intends through violence to conquer the world." Oh, I get it...like the Church did to Islam in the Crusades? Or when it stood by during the extermination of Jews during the Nazi occupation of Germany in order to maintain it's power? Or maybe how the Jews of Jesus time treated Samaritans? I'm SO confused! What was it that defines an Anti-Christ religion? Oh--whew! (wiping my brow) Now I'm clear, it's a "religion that intends through violence to conquer the world." War mongering and the spirit of anti-Christ is a behavior, not a religion and the label can both ways, including application to both of these men. People who buy this prejudicial hatred and violent posturing are ignorant. Welcome to the foreshadowing of McCains hundred years of war policy. More bowing down at the altar of the Adversary and war, as we have the last 7 years...


Wage War on Greed!

My friends at Brave New Films have teamed up with warongreed.org to lay it out in a fun way that will leave you red. They sent me this video today and just as I did, you can also go to the website and take action by signing their petition to urge your presidential candidates to right this injustice. Pssst...Do Something!


Combustion? Consumption? Multiplication? That's SO last century!

The question may well be, "What does this guy know about combustion?" "Not a lot," will be my reply, but what I want in cars just happens to be what is good for our environment and in turn, for the generations to come. What our country needs is to end dependence on polluting energy sources; foreign and domestic. The unfortunate status of the modern mind is that it runs like the silo-centric media approach to news casts, websites or papers: arts and entertainment, auto, social issues, economy, environment. Issues are separated out as if it were possible for anything to be exclusive of everything else. What is personal is political, and since Earth is where we live and laws govern everything on earth, then it's all political. Bottom line is, all these things are connected and the conversation needs to take place at the intersection of all of these areas, because they bleed, people! It's time to be very global in our thinking in every sense of the word.

I have qualifications for this that could seem irrelevant to many who may read this, but I read, a lot, and I really don't think you have to be a rocket scientist to sit the people you love in front of you, simultaneously look at social and economic issues and prioritize what right decisions are that need to be made based on future generations--the people we claim to care about, actually thriving, rather than just surviving.

First, we need infrastucture for alternative fuel sources, and not the kind that require drilling or filtering or processing. I'm talking electric. We need sustainable localized electric sources based on those conditions relevant to that region that will have minimal impact and intrusion into our environment: solar in the deserts, wind in high wind areas, wave energy for coastal cities, improving existing damns for fish runs, etc. I'm sure there are others, but these are the ones that seem least intrusive to me, compared with drilling and processing. There also needs to be a revamp and update of electric delivery grids.

Second, we need to limit our consumption. My greatest concern on the issues of alternative energy is that we would continue on that path of irresponsible waste of energy because it's there and it seems unlimited. There also need to be extended programs like those in supermarkets where you bring your own bag to carry things home. Think about all the plastic and cardboard that goes to waste. We need to move back to long-term use containers for all kinds of things. Recycling is great, but imagine a steel container dumping bulk anything into a store's steel containers, and then you bring your container to the store and refill it, and take it home in that re-usable container on a weekly rather than throwing containers away every week for every item.

Third, we need a worldwide education program on basic budget and basic mathematics when it comes to sex. Imagine for a moment that our world is a fish bowl and there are 20 ants living off the available land. Let's pretend for a moment that they have a god who says, be fruitful and multiply, so they do. See they believe that having sex out of wedlock is a sin, but they end up having it anyway and then the religion says that they can't prevent unwanted pregnancy by birth control and also prevent them from having terminations of unwanted pregnancies. So they multiply, and multiply and multiply. Just because Jesus, Allah or Yaweh have all given you the ability to pro-create, doesn't mean that you should have a child every year of your childbearing life. Is it moral for a man to continue to pro-create with his wife, for which he does not have the resources to support, but continues to bring 3-10 children into the world? It's your life, right? Doesn't impact my life, right? What is the resource and economic toll? Quality of life?

And fine, teach abstinence, but there also needs to be a real conversation about a balance between the number of people who die each year and the number of people we're bringing into the world, which is why I ask the question, As our population, housing, asphalt, waste and pollution infest every hectar of Earth, how long before we're eating each other? I'm sure even then the corporations would find a way to make money off of that. WE NEED TO WRAP IT UP PEOPLE!!! This is an economic policy meant to make money for corporations, but on the global scale, just like the economy, there is no such thing as unlimited growth...unless they can keep people breeding like flies. Now, there's a thought! Sounds like an economic policy wraped up in morality...or at least a short-sighted, grotesquely distorted morality that will eventually destroy us all.

I bet you thought I forgot about the cars. We need electric cars, not hybrid, not 35mpg...we need clean all-electric. Check out the following sites for more information on up and coming electric innovations: